Elite Lawyer Management is an atypical team
team of twenty two legal services marketing,
branding, public relations, business
development, and publishing experts.
Founded in 2006, our firm brands, promotes and publicizes individual lawyers, small and midsize law firms, and specialty legal practices in large firms.
We have an intentionally limited client roster focused on exceptional, non-competing, individual lawyers and law firms across the United States.
Our Clients
Our clients are exceptionally accomplished lawyers and their law firms.
They are located in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida, Texas, California, Washington DC and across the United States as well as in Canada and the United Kingdom.
Their median time working with our firm is 3 years and this time is increasing.
Our People
Worked at these companies prior to joining us:
KPMG, Google, CNN, Atlanta Journal Constitution, EBay, Houston Chronicle, Random House, Platform Strategy, University of California, Dallas Morning News, PepsiCo, and other high impact entities.
Law, consulting, tech, journalism, healthcare, publishing, education, marketing, entertainment, and business development are our backgrounds.
Core Principles and Methodology
- Online and offline marketing are critical - we focus on both.
- Attorneys have two brands, individual (personal) and law firm - we build and promote both.
- Lawyers in the news are trusted and more credible - we get real media coverage.
- SEO (search engine optimization) trumps online advertising - we are SEO experts.
- American elevate legitimately published authors - we arrange book deals.
- Law firm information hubs own niche markets - we create those hubs and atypical content.
We package legal expertise then differentiate and promote the experts.
Learn Your Marketing Options and Practice Possibilities.
We Know the Law -
Not Just Legal Marketing
Our public relations, legal branding, business development experts and the rest of our team are already up to speed on most areas of law, in many cases in substantial depth.
Some legal specialty areas well-known to us:
- Defective products
- Wrongful death
- Sexual harassment
- Nursing home abuse
- Jail medical neglect
- High net worth divorce
- White collar crime
- Class actions
- Securities law
- Environmental
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Trusts and estate litigation
- Cryptocurrency and ICOs
- Intellectual property
- Insurance coverage and bad faith
- Financial services
- Whistleblower law
- Mass torts
Employment, banking, construction law and more are all surprisingly well known to us and we do our best to keep up on the latest developments.
And yes, we even know our acronyms:
We didn't learn these areas of law overnight but rather built on our legal education (multiple JDs and continuous CLEs), business experience, and work with exceptional lawyers across 20+ fields of law for well more than a decade.
Multi-Frontal Strategy and Tactics
While your competitors chase imperceptible improvements in their pay per click accounts, we eschew digital advertising and our elite marketing team focuses on quantum leaps in your marketing.
We do this with a multi-front campaign, concurrently focusing on:
Imagine Experts in Each of These Categories Supporting Your
Personal Brand and Your Firm’s Success - Simultaneously
This is what we do.
Continuous Brand Evolution and Business Development
Truly elite legal marketing and public relations isn't just throwing up a website, putting out some videos, issuing press releases, and tracking monthly results/
Our clients become (and maintain their position as) the go-to resource for their prospective and existing clients in substantial part because of constant, continuous brand evolution and promotion.
In the background of your law practice we are turning out well-researched strategic blog posts, pitching journalists and influencers to cover and spread your message, creating unique and effective marketing tools online and off, ghosting eBooks, pursuing speaking engagements, and otherwise expanding your platform and promoting your brand - all while implementing cutting edge SEO strategies to maintain online dominance.
In addition to constant evolution we efficiently and relentlessly pursue your target client groups with effective tactical marketing and atypical business development strategies.
That’s Elite Lawyer Management in a Nutshell
Energetic, tactical and strategic legal services marketing and PR experts.
We love what we do.
We are proud of our success and will work tirelessly for yours.
Are You Ready for Breakout Success
Call us at 888.787.2246. You’ll be surprised to learn what’s possible.